1821 – 2021 | Bicentennial Celebration of independence

The horizons are knocking on our doors
“The future is decided today and shaped by the actions of all of us in the present. We all need to be present tomorrow. Only words are not enough for that. Progress requires both effort and manner. It wants the body and the mind to work. The challenges of the future are already here.“
“Nikiforos Vrettakos” Greek Poet
1821 – 2021 | Bicentennial Celebration of independence
A milestone year for historical memory, invites us to honor the past and envision the future.
In SYNTAX for 37 years, we have been consciously participating in the progress and prosperity contributing with the implementation of innovations in our homeland and with our extroverted entrepreneurship in EU and the GCC countries, honoring Greece.
We feel grateful to you, our customers and partners and we thank you for your participation in our being and in the constant search for our future.
Nicholas T.G. Afxentiadis
Co-founder and Chairman of the Board