Plant-ing the Future: Regenerating Mount Penteli
Tree-planting with family & colleagues last Sunday was a happy, off-duty activity aiming to regenerate the forest of Penteli from the tragic fire of 2018. The kids learnt how...
SYNTAX 26th Anniversary
SYNTAX’s corporate party for its 26th anniversary was held last week with its people celebrating another year of a prosperous activity. The event took place in Juicy Grill Athens...
IBM® i Modernization” Roundtables by Rocket Software
SYNTAX IT Group would like to thank Rocket Software team for their event of the “IBM® i Modernization” Roundtables that took place in Athens (November 12th) & Cyprus (November...
SYNTAX announces its partnership with TmaxSoft
An all-day event took place today, March 15th, at the Museum of Cycladic Art, organised by SYNTAX. A vibrant conference room, full with company partners & clients, where SYNTAX...
SYNTAX IT Inc joins the community of “Strongest Companies in Greece” by ICAP
23/09/2011 Athens | SYNTAX IT Inc joins the community of “Strongest Companies in Greece” by ICAP
‘Symantec Specialist Partner – Archiving & e-Discovery Master’ Certification
April 1st , 2011 – Athens, Greece Symantec announced SYNTAX as their first ‘Symantec Specialist Partner – Archiving & e-Discovery Master” in Greece and second in Europe! The Symantec Channel Partner program is built...